Thursday, May 9, 2013

GI testing results are in...

So this is a diagram of what the human anatomy of our digestive track looks like.  Just in case anyone is curious about that!
My test results were as follows:
NO fungus or yeast
NO parasites (Yippie!!!)
3 strains of bacteria that all people have normally in the gut:
1. e.coli
2. strep
3. lactococcus
All of these were in serious overgrowth in my gut!  Not a good thing, especially since all the other markers were negative and I did NOT have a bacterial infection in the gut.  Luckily Anti-microbials can cure this!
(SIgA) which is a marker that tests for intestinal immunity was LOW!  Normal is 400-880, and mine was 44.
This is the immunity of the mucosal tissue, not what determines if you catch a cold or not!
This could be low due to food sensitivities which I have not tested for yet, but will be doing next!
I had no inflammation in the gut!  Thats good!
Chymotrypsin (pancreas enzymes) were low.  Normal is around 15, mine was 4.  What does this mean?  My food is not being properly broken down because my pancreatic enzymes are low.
I did have a little blood in the stool, once I begin gut healing treatment, I will retest for this to see if it is still there, worse or the same.
The recommendation was to start gut healing treatment to see if symptoms of bloating and discomfort after eating go away, or test for Food Sensitivities.  When I say bloating, let me be clear here that this is extreme bloating!  I have a flat stomach, eat anything at all and then I look 5 months pregnant.  No matter how much I work out my ABS, I cannot hold in my ABS to where I don't look preggers.  FRUSTRATION, and PAIN!  So,  I chose to go ahead and test for the food issues first because I felt it would be a lost cause to heal the gut if the food is the problem!  This test is being mailed to me now and once I have my blood drawn, I will have results in 2 days!  Much faster on this test!
So, when people ask me why I am doing this testing through a Nutritional Therapist and not my doctor, the answer is this...
Sadly enough in our Western Medical community, testing is not super thorough.  As long as they can find one thing out of the norm that there is a pill for, then they stop there and prescribe the pill.  The problem I have with this is that more times than not, this doesn't really get to the bottom of what is really going on.  Then the pill masks the symptoms so the real problem still exists.  I am taking my health into my own hands and seeking out help from a more holistic approach.  I want all the tests run and then collaboratively with my N.T. we will come up with as natural of a plan as we can to get my body back in balance the way GOD designed it to be.  We live in such a toxic world that no matter how hard we try to eliminate the toxins from our environment, we are still exposed to some degree.
I hope this hasn't totally overwhelmed or confused you all!  It's a lot to take in and understand!  Thanks for reading and following along!  I welcome any comments and questions if you are struggling to get some answers about your own health!  I will try my best to guide you in the right direction!       

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Yoga for stress!

 Flamingo in "Tree Pose" at the Nashville Zoo, April 30, 2013
Yellow Lab in "Downward Facing Dog" at my house, April 19, 2013

I read a blog post on one of the many blogs I follow yesterday describing how even in our young children, they can get stressed and depressed.  Many times these conditions either go undiagnosed or the children end up medicated for them.  The blog was talking about how "YOGA" can help with stress and depression simply from the fact that it starts with our breath.  Deep breathing and relaxation.  This is what we are told to do to help with child birth, so it does make since when we thing about the science behind "Yoga".  The pictures I posted above are of animals in their own environment doing "yoga" poses all the time, everyday!  The point of the post I read was that before we let our children become stressed or depressed we should start at a very early age teaching them techniques of relaxation and deep breathing.  The blogger had given some suggestions on reading a story and having the children act out the story through flowing from one yoga pose to another.  I thought it was a very clever and cute idea.  Also keeps the body flexible and thus preventing injury in our day to day activities.  
I also was at the chiropractor yesterday and they has a documentary playing on how much our young children are prescribed anti-depressants.  That these types of medications along with ADD and ADHD meds have such horrific side affects that children as young as 7 are hanging themselves.  I know this subject may hit a chord with some people and I do not mean that I judge you if you have your child on any of these meds.  Each person is entitled to their own choice of how to handle situations in their childs life.  My main point here is to educated anyone who is looking for an alternative to the medications.  If your doctor has suggested your child be medicated and you want to try something else first, then I encourage you to look into some yoga for kids.  There are many DVDs, Youtube videos, books, etc out there.  Also removing red-40 dye from their foods and supplementing with extra magnesium (either in powder form mixed with water or topical form that is absorbed through the skin, ie epsom salt baths).  Personally being someone who suffers the stress syndrome "Adrenal Fatigue" and how it wreaks havoc on the body, I would love to see my children learn techniques as a child that could help them through out life learn not to get stressed!
Just my thoughts to share with you today, and remember, each person's opinion is their own, and it's "not wrong, just different"!  Thanks for reading!  Leave me a comment on your opinion!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Homemade non-toxic cleaning

Homemade Dry Laundry Detergent Recipe:
1 4lb box Borax
1 4lb box Arm & Hammer Baking Soda
1 box Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda
3 bars of Felps-naptha soap
2 small containers of oxy clean (this is probably not considered non toxic, but for those who really have trouble with stains or yellowing, you may have to add this)

*You should be able to find all of these items at your grocery store in the laundry isle.

This detergent is fairly mild smelling, so if you love a strong scent, you may want to add a few drops of an essential oil like lavender to each load on the rinse cycle.

Start out by grating the bars of soap just like you would cheese. Don't worry it will dissolve, even if you wash with COLD water!
Toss all the ingredients into a large trash bag and carefully incorporate them all by gently flipping the bag.  Or you could line a 5 gal bucket with the trash bag and then stir all the ingredients.
Once it is all mixed, store however you like.  This is a picture, above, of mine.  I bought this tall glass container at TJ Maxx.  I keep a 2 Tbsp scoop in the container, and that is all it takes per load. 
Homemade Floor Cleaner:  (great for hardwoods!)
1 cup water
1 cup vinegar
1 cup isopropyl alcohol
2-3 drops natural dish soap (I use Dr. Bronners)
10-15 drops essential oil (optional)
24 oz fine mist spray bottle

Add all ingredients to spray bottle and shake to combine.  Sweep/vacuum the floors, spray cleaner, wipe with a microfiber cloth with the grain of the wood.
Furniture Polish:
 1 cup olive oil
1/3 cup lemon juice
mix into a spray bottle, spray wood and wipe clean with a cloth.  For wooden surfaces only!

Bathroom cleaner:
1 cup Borax
1/2 cup white vinegar
mix ingredients, scrub on bathroom surfaces, rinse away.

Kitchen cleaner:
1-2 drops Grapefruit Seed Extract
per ounce of water
Mix in a spray bottle, spray on surface, and wipe clean.

Dishwasher soap:
1 cup borax
1 cup baking soda
rinse dishes well, add distilled white vinegar to rinse agent spot, use heat cycle to disinfect.

For all other cleaning needs on surfaces, microfiber cloths and water do a wonderful job!  I found microfiber cloths in a 3 pack at the dollar tree for $1.