Saturday, October 9, 2021

A personal story of C*Vi*, how to hopefully prevent and treat @ home

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This is a tale of two stories. Well, basically it's the same story but from two different perspectives.  My version of the story is as the caregiver, and my friends version of the story is as the patient.  I want to start off by saying, this is our story and the problems we ran into, what we should have have done in advance to be prepared, what we should have done starting day one, and the revelation God gave us through many outlets throughout the two week process.  Also please keep any negative comments to yourself, this has always been a space about natural health and healing.  If you have any questions after you read the whole post, I will try my best to answer.  However, I do not make any claims to be a doctor and do not make any claims that the things we did should be your medical treatment.  Please consult your health care professional before trying any new supplement regimen.  

My Version of the Story:


It was the Saturday before Labor Day, and my sister and her family were in town and we were heading out of town for the long holiday weekend.  I got a text from my friend that she was not feeling good at all!  She asked me to be in prayer for her as we knew that she had been exposed to her boss who was pretty sure he was positive for C*Vi* as of the Thursday before.  So I prayed for her and asked her if she had any oscillium or Mucinex-D.  She did not and was going to try and ask a friend to drop her some off.  

The next morning I got another message from her that she was running a fever of 101.8 and was feeling so bad.  Her throat was hurting like it was on fire, and she had a massive migraine like headache.  She also was still coughing really bad.  At this point everyone was out of town and no one could bring her anything.  

Monday, Labor Day, she finally had two friends drop her off a care basket and she ordered the oscillium and Mucinex via instacart.  She still felt horrible and had a fever.  

Tuesday, I returned to town, gathered some supplies I had at home and went to her house to asses the situation. Let me insert here that the Wednesday before I had see my Naturopath DR and found out that I still had the antibodies from where I had this in March 2020.  I felt safe being around her and I knew that as sick as she was, she needed someone to be there to check on her and help her everyday.  Not to mention I do have a BSN and have been educated on how to properly keep myself safe while caring for someone who is sick!  I just knew that as sick as she was, she would need someone to actually come daily and give her the daily meds she needed in order to boost her immune system and give her body a chance to fight this virus! So, due to all the research I had been doing, paired with all the things I had always done to fight viruses in the past, I had decided on the treatment plan I felt would be best.  

Here's what I gave her for starters: All items can be found here- (under Amazon wellness)

vitamin C 1000mg

vitamin D3 10,000 IU

zinc/quercetin 50mg/600mg

extra zinc 50mg

Colloidal Silver 250ppm 1tsp

grapeseed extract 10 drops

Also this is what I began taking to protect myself:

vitamin C 1000mg

vitamin D3 10,000 IU

zinc/quercetin 50mg/600mg

colloidal silver 250ppm 1 tsp

grapeseed extract 10 drops

before I went into her home I took 2 squirts in each nostril of xlear nasal spray

and gargled with listerine for 30 seconds 

(the nasal spray and listerine were to protect the 2 most common pathways the virus enters the body)

This was what we started with daily along with trying to keep her hydrated since she had the fever.  I should also mention I took her some loose leaf mullein tea to drink because it has the ability to sooth a sore throat and also to be an expectorant.  

Wednesday again the same dosages of everything and she felt basically the same.  She said about 20% better.  I encouraged her to try and sit up and to not be hesitant to cough, even though her throat still hurt really bad and so did her head.  I noticed that she wasn't not drinking as much as I wanted her to but again, her throat hurt SO bad!  At this time she had gotten a pulse oximeter and since her cough was not very productive, I told her to monitor that when she felt short of breath.  

That night at 11:09pm, she called me and said her O2 was 80%!!!!  I told her to call 911 and I rushed to her house.  This is where frustrations began.  The paramedics were in her living room talking to her when I arrived.  She was on the couch but was struggling to breathe. They informed us that the policy was they could not treat her without transfer.  She was of course worried about cost and didn't want to go to the ER, so we were hoping they could give her some oxygen and get her stable on room air and all would be good.  That was not the case and we needed to act fast, so I decided to just take her to the ER myself.  So off we went.  At this time, I did have a peace come over me that everything would be ok, so we went to the local hospital closest to us.  When we arrived, I parked and called for some assistance to come with a wheelchair to help her get inside.  Due to the fact that she tested positive, I was not allowed to go in with her.  So I stayed in my car and she texted me updates the entire 4 hours we were there.  So by the time they checked her vitals her oxygen was back up tp 98, so that was a HUGE relief.  They gave her Tylenol and ibuprofen for her fever and upon initial assessment of listening to her lungs they discussed a breathing treatment and possibly sending her home with a nebulizer.  I was ALL for that, BUT... neither of those 2 things happened.  Not sure why, but they did do a chest x-ray so apparently they didn't think she needed those treatments.  She was however very dehydrated so they gave her fluids and some steroids and then discharged her with an albuterol inhaler and prescriptions for a z-pack and oral steroids.  So at 4am we returned home to try and get some rest.  

Thursday she felt so much better and so we went to get her prescriptions and she did some clean up around the house.  After that it was obvious she had done too much and by that evening her fever was back and this time up to 103.  Not sure how you get such a high fever being on an antibiotic, but that was the case, and so she stated feeling terrible again.  Now keep in mind we were still doing all the vitamins and now we had added the oral steroid and antibiotic.  

Friday when I got to her house I told her I was in this group chat on FB and had found out that in our town we had a PA who practiced the holistic approach and he will prescribe Ivmtn if she wanted to do a telemedicine call with him, and there was a pharmacy about an hour away that would fill it and mail it to her.  So that's what she did, and he even suggested more supplements to add that we had not been aware of up until this point.  One thing was he wanted to also call her in some inhaled steroids so we did in fact need that nebulizer after all. Thank GOD for Amazon!  (however as I'm writing this, you will now have to wait about a week for a nebulizer to arrive from Amazon)  Then we found out the steroid he was calling in for her the did not have at Kroger so we would have to wait on that to come in.  Again, it kept seeming like every time we would get some hope, then there was a setback.  I cannot stress enough how important it is to be prepared for anyone to get sick and have your medicine cabinet stocked!  Not to mention, regardless of shot status, I truly believe as a nation we are deficient in vitamins and dehydrated.  Both are precursors to a weak immune system.  So taking the proper amount of vitamin D3 and drinking enough water are very simple and oh so important!

Saturday I went to the local nutrition and holistic vitamin store to get her some of the things the Dr. wanted her taking, but they were closed.  Luckily we live in a fairly small town and one of my friends knew the owner and texted her to call me.  She was SO kind and amazing and met me at the shop and sold me what she had.  The NAC (N-aceytel-cystine) she had on order but was out of that, and had learned that the FDA was now making that where only a pharmacist could order it.  OK... so I take her home the supplies I have for her and then I message a friend who I knew had some NAC and ask her where she got hers.  She got it from the same lady I had just left, but was so kind to give us some of hers until we could get some.  So I went to meet her and was able to get it that day!  At this point her oxygen levels had started to drop again and were running in the lower 90's.  Until we could get the steroids to inhale we did have a product called Briotech that she could nebulize every hour.  

Sunday she was basically the same, I should add though that her sore throat and headache had gone away after the ER visit.  So at this point even though her lungs were now an issue and her oxygen levels were low, seeing the small little wins were the hope we were holding on to!  The nebulizer arrived and she started doing hourly treatments with the Briotech.  We were supposed to be increasing her vitamin C to taking 1000mg every hour until bowel intolerance and then were supposed to back down 1000mg from that and stay at that dose daily.  Honestly we got to 4200mg and that was 6 pills and she never had bowel intolerance but she was barely eating, so we just stayed there.  Her vitamin D3 was to be 50,000 IU for 3 days and then lowered to 10,000 IU for the remainder.  She had ordered some from her Dr she had seen a few weeks prior because she had learned she was deficient in D3, so that was arriving Monday!  Again, I just felt like we were always one step behind on getting ahead of this thing!  

Monday, her portable nebulizer stopped working!  ARE YOU KIDDING ME?  Luckily, I had ordered the same one, so I took her mine, and she got online and ordered a better one.  Finally, her D3 arrived and her steroid was available to pick up!  Her dad came down to visit and as so kind to pick it up for her.  What we thought was going to be $318, the kind pharmacy tech was able to find a coupon for and it only ended up being $36!  WOW!  So she was able to get up and get to the couch and take her first breathing treatment!  That was also the day that her fever finally broke!  This as the day we were really hoping her Ivmtn was coming in the mail!  Then we found out that somewhere in the mix the ball had been dropped and it had not been ordered.  Again, a day late and a dollar short.  So frustrated!  This was also day 10 for her of being sick so when she talked to the Dr and found out about the mishap with the Ivmtn we asked about the antibodies.  So he did some calling around and in the mean time, he felt so bad about dropping the ball he had me come to his office and get something that was very similar to the Ivmtn and have her start that immediately, and he just gave it to me for free!  So after her dad left, she took a shower and then we got a call that the next county over had the antibodies and he had scheduled her an appointment for 2:00.  So we printed off the prescription for that and took off.  It was 30 min away and it was already 1:30.  On the way there we had prayed that the Lord would go before her on this and protect her body if this was in any way harmful.  Neither myself nor the Dr really knew much about this and how well they screen it, but we were on the last day that she would qualify so we were gonna give it a go.  She still felt bad and had low 90's oxygen levels.  We called the clinic on the way there and told them we were coming but would be a little late, and they were cool with that and said come on.  BUT... when we got there, she was turned away because we were coming with a script from an out of county Dr.  YES, but he called and talked to y'all and that was approved and that was why she was at the clinic first to get the in county Dr to write her a script so she could go to the hospital for the infusion.  BUT... "honey, you are late to your appointment, as a new patient you should have been her 30 min early to fill out paper work."  So...she was turned away, and did not receive the antibodies.  The absolute ONLY way to see this disappointment was that it was NOT the Lord's will for her.  

Tuesday the Ivmtn arrived and she started it right away!!! So let me now update you on what all she was taking daily:

Vitamin C 4200mg

Vitamin D3 50,000 IU for 3 days, then 10,000 IU daily after that booster dose

Zinc 100mg

Quercetin 500mg

Ivmtn 2 capsules (Rx)

baby aspirin

Budesonide inhaled 2 times a day (Rx) using this nebulizer

2 biocleanse (this is her magnesium)

2 probio5 (this is her probiotic)

NAC 600mg (we had to get this at a local pharmacy)

melatonin 3-5mg

She was also taking some thyroid natural supplements as well.

Drinking the mullein tea daily

Briotech topical skin spray you can spray on your face

STAYING HYDRATED!!!! she drank tons of water but also a electrolyte drink that had no sugar or dyes

CALORIES!!! (this one was hard because nothing sounded good to eat.  It was mainly oatmeal for her.)

Wednesday, I could tell she was feeling much better!!! Now to get her to cough big enough to get all that junk out!  It was so painful because the coughing had her ribs very sore.  But she used a small pillow to splint her ribs and did it anyways because she knew it was better to get all that crap out!  She actually felt well enough this day that we took a little road trip and got her some Zaxbys!  I was feeling so thankful because I really did notice a huge turnaround once she got the Ivmtn in her!!! Why this is being kept away from patients in the hospitals is beyond me.  IT IS FDA APPROVED!!! It also won a Nobel Peace Prize in 2015!  But it was hard for us to get!  In our local town all the pharmacies here even the apothecary would not fill it!  Yet a small apothecary an hour away did and mailed to her.  I am SO thankful for them, and thankful for a Dr not afraid to prescribe it!

Thursday was again another great day!  This time she got out on a field trip with me all the way to Nashville!  She didn't get out and do anything just rode with me.  We took the portable nebulizer and briotech with us just in case and she did have to use it once.  I will say this about nebulizers... don't get the small hand held ones.  They break easily.  Mine also broke at the battery compartment, but luckily we duck taped that sucker back together and its still holding on.  The table top ones that plug in are far more powerful and only cost about $25 more so get that one!

Friday was my last home visit with her.  At this point she was strong enough and well enough to take her supplements and meds and take it from here!  I wrote out what all I gave her every morning and she had already been taking care of the evening routine.  What a JOY it was to see my friend recovering and getting well!  Not gonna lie, it was a little scary there at times, and we were always running into obstacles and road blocks, but we persevered and she came through it!  GOD IS SO GOOD!!!

So whatever you take from this story is up to you, but if I could advise you on a few things it would be this...

1) not matter what, shot or not, take vitamin C, D3, and zinc every day, and stay hydrated!

2) stock your medicine cabinet and be prepared!

3) at the first symptom, either get tested, or assume you have it and start the above protocol we did after consulting with the Dr. Early treatment is KEY!

4) find a local practitioner who is willing to prescribe Ivmtn and keep their number handy!  Also find a pharmacy willing to fill in and know their number as well!  DO NOT be afraid to ask for this!  The sooner you start it the better you will feel!  

Wishing you ALL Health & Happiness as we all figure out how to navigate theses crazy times!


Hear her version of the story here in our video as we share:

Monday, March 29, 2021

Hot Springs, AR

Girls Trip 

Hot Springs, AR

 Starting back in 2015, one of my bestie girlfriend's and I decided we are taking a girls trip!  We took off to the beach and had the best time ever!  There should NEVER, I repeat NEVER be any guilt for taking a long weekend with a girlfriend and getting away to relax and recoup!  You will come back refreshed and a better wife and mom!  We have been a few times to San Destin, FL and we always stay in the same Beach House, but 3 times we have taken off to a different place.  This post is all about the time we went to Hot Springs, AR!  You see COVID-19 hit hard in the US in March 2020 and made traveling all but come to a halt until May.  We usually take our girls weekend in the fall, so after checking the rules, regulations and making sure places were open for business, we decided to stay closer to home and venture to Hot Springs for a spa weekend!

Where we stayed:

The Arlington Hotel is a very old and historic hotel right downtown and centrally located to everything.  You can literally walk everywhere!  Now it is an older hotel, so do not have high expectations when it comes to 5 star.  It was clean and the staff was very friendly, and that in my book was enough to make the stay enjoyable.  The only complaint I had was the room we had was on the street side and the windows are single-pane so the street noise was a little loud at times.  Also they has not switched the hotel over to heat yet at the time of our stay and it was getting colder in the evenings already.  However,  the staff was very kind and brought us extra blankets that made up for us being a little chilled at night!  

The restaurant in the Arlington was open, but no buffet was being served.  Their lobby bar was open, and the bar tender was very nice! We did enjoy the Spa in the hotel and did the mineral bath, with the hot towel rest after and the massage!  It is an experience if you've never been before.  It is very nice, relaxing and a total step back in time!  We did book this one over the phone in advance before arriving.  

On the day we arrived we dropped off our bags and went for a stroll down the street to another bathhouse to make our appointment for manicures and pedicures because they were not taking online appointments and no one answered the phone prior to our arrival, so we walked down to make the appointments in person to assure we in fact got one while we were in town.  This was at Buckstaff Bathouse.  They too offer baths here but I wasn't sure so booked ours at Arlington instead.  The baths are a whirlpool mineral bath using the hot springs water and you can get a Swedish massage.  Buckstaff was very neat as well, not updated much and it had an old working elevator that you had a staff member who had to drive the actual elevator for us!  It was so neat!

Day1: arrival

cocktails and appetizers at Hotel Hale Bathhouse (no longer a working bath house but restaurant now)

We had Salty Dogs and chickpea flour flat bread pizza with roasted veggies and it was delicious!

Walked along the streets of downtown and then to the room to freshen up and head out to dinner.  We started the evening with a lemon drop martini at the hotel bar and then ended up at Fat Jack's oyster bar.  We had oysters rockafella and another salty dog.  Both were delicious and did not disappoint.  It was a weeknight when we were at Fat Jack's and it was calm and family friendly, however our server said it can get pretty rowdy on the weekends with the night life!  

Day 2: 

We started our day off with a coffee at The Argentinian Wine Bar, which was not the best coffee really.  But none the less we drank it and then headed to Buckstaff for our Mani/Pedi experience.  They only had one girl doing them that day, so it took quite a long time.  We ended up opting for pedicures only to cut the time in half.  She was a very sweet girl and told us lots about the area as she was born and raised there.  Afterwards we went back to the wine bar and had mimosa's and a charcuterie board for brunch. We shopped up and down the street and landed at a Rolando's Mexican restaurant and had jalapeƱo margaritas and guacamole casero for lunch.  We then went back to the hotel for our mineral bath and massage!  That took several hours and was so relaxing!  After that,  a little down time in the room and to get ready for dinner.  That night we went to dinner at The Ohio Club (famous place Al Capone used to visit back in the day) and had burgers and fries.  Then we went to a roof top bar at top The Water's Hotel for a night cap glass of wine.  The view from up top was amazing! 


Day 3: 

We started the morning at another coffee shop, Kollective Coffee + Tea,  at the end of the strip which had very good coffee and good breakfast options including gluten free and vegan!  After that we took off up the hill behind our hotel and went to the Hot Springs Mountain Tower.  It was a beautiful view and so much history to read about up there!  Then we filled up our water bottles in the hot springs along the side of the road and headed down the road about 30 min to Garvan Botanical Gardens.  We spent the majority of the day in the botanical garden soaking up the beauty that was all around us.  It's defiantly worth the drive over to spend the day there.  They do have a food truck and canteen there that you can get food, however we just packed in snacks since we had a large breakfast.  Back at the hotel, we freshened up again and got ready for dinner.  This was our last night and we wanted to go somewhere really nice.  We landed upon Luna Bella for a fabulous steak dinner!  This is defiantly a must when in Hot Springs!  We then turned in for an early night to watch a movie and have some wine in our hotel room.  

Day 4:

We packed it up and headed home.  It was a great and relaxing girls get a way and not too far of a drive from home.  I highly recommend it if you've never been and are looking for a true, old school, spa treatment like no other!

Monday, March 22, 2021

Blowing Rock, NC

Family Ski Trip

Blowing Rock, NC

Are you a beginner skier or looking to start snow skiing?  If so, keep reading! My family was first exposed to snow skiing in Ober Gatlinburg in December 2018.  We all loved it and wanted to do it again, so after a little research, I discovered Appalachian Ski Mountain.  We first visited here in March 2019 and fell in love with snow skiing and also the quaint little town of Blowing Rock, NC!  

First thing you should know when planning a trip here or to Beech Mountain in Boone, NC or Sugar Mountain in Banner Elk, NC, is that their ski season is November- March.  If you go for spring break in March it's their end of season and prices are discounted for lift tickets, and gear rental! It is also less crowded, however, they are done making snow and so the conditions may or may not be favorable depending on the weather.  On this particular trip it had been raining and was warmer while we were there.  I did notice compared to 2 years previously that the snow wasn't as smooth.  But none the less we still had fun.  We just didn't need all those layers because it was warm and we actually broke a sweat.

Due to COVID and each state having their own regulations and guidelines, be sure to check websites or call to verify they are open and ask what the latest rules are.  NC at the time I am writing this has a mask mandate law and was pretty strictly enforced in most indoor places.  Also I want to note that Appalachian Ski Mountain was the only place you had to reserve your lift ticket and time slot along with rental on line in advance.  Beech and Sugar mountain was based on first come first serve.  The rental equipment is kept very nice and we have never had any issues with it!  You can even rent clothing if you don't want to buy it and it saves space packing as well (clothing includes, pants, or bibs, jacket, gloves). You will however still want to have your own base layer of pants (leggings) and tops, along with some nice warm wool socks.  With equipment rental it includes Skis, ski boots, snowboard, boots, poles, a helmet, and goggles).  If you drive and you have your own ski clothing, I recommend packing all the bulky stuff in one rubber made tote and leaving it in the back of the car.  Saves space in the suitcases and then also in the room because you don't need to put that stuff on until you are at the mountain getting ready to ski.  If it gets really wet you can take it in the room to hang up to dry.  That's just what we do and it works really well!

If this is your first time skiing or you have beginners in your party, I do recommend ski school as well.  I would also recommend booking one day as an all day pass, you can come and go, and then taking the next day off to rest and explore.  If you want to ski again, do it on the 3rd day, so that you aren't so exhausted, especially if you have smaller children.  

Where to stay:

We have stayed both times and will continue to do so, at Chetola Resort & Spa.  We stay in the lodge and book a room with a living room (pull out sofa bed), kitchenette (includes microwave, sink and small fridge), bedroom (2 queen beds) and 2 bathrooms. They have a heated indoor pool, hot tub, and sauna.  They also have a very good restaurant and pub in the lodge as well.  They often have live music and most always an outdoor fire.  We love sitting out there at the end of the day with a glass of wine and chatting with and meeting new people from all over

Where to eat:

Speckled Trout is a very good locally owned restaurant with very good locally sourced food.  At the time of our trip they were not taking reservations, but you could do call ahead seating an hour before. They are also closed on Tuesday & Wednesday.  I had the almond and cornmeal crusted trout with turnip green and cheesy grits.  Also the best Bloody Mary ever, which even my husband loved and he is VERY picky about his bloody Mary's!!!

Savannah's Oyster House if you like cooked or raw oysters, or steamed pots of crab legs, crawfish or shrimp.  It was a fun experience in this cute little place.  If you ordered a steamed pot, it came in its own cast-iron kettle with lid!  I got the parmesan, garlic oysters and my hubby got the raw ones.  

Foggy Rock is a place I ate at on our last visit and I honestly can't remember much about the menu but I do remember getting the beet and feta salad for lunch and it was very good!

Sunny Rock is right next door and a great place for brunch.  The menu was full of lots of choices and you could get eggs cooked anyway you want.  If you are like me and are gluten free, they did not have gluten free substitutions, but did have gluten free options.  I had 2 poached eggs, with hash browns and turkey sausage.  

Blowing Rock Brewery had a good looking menu from what I could see.  We only stopped in here for a drink and I do have to say the drink menu was very large and unique.  So if you are a drink connoisseur, you will want to check this place out!  And speaking of drinks... if you are a wine lover...

Sunset & Vine is one to visit as well.  We popped in for a flight of reds and it was a generous pour in each of the 4 glasses for only $10.  Plus the environment was very friendly and cozy as well.  

Timberlake's Restaurant inside Chetola Lodge has a great dinner menu as well.  I had the berry salad with grilled chicken and my husband had the wagu, bison, beef burger and he COULD NOT stop saying how amazing that burger was! We also had breakfast there one morning and both had their omelet with fruit.  Before COVID, they used to have this amazing breakfast buffet but sadly that is no more for right now. 

Mellow Mushroom is one of the only "chain" restaurants I saw in the Main Street, downtown area.  We did grab some pizzas, hotwings and a salad from there one evening when we were all tired and just wanted to dine in the room.  They do have a gluten free menu incase you are wondering.  It was probably my least favorite place we ate at the entire trip, but I'm not a huge pizza fan. 

Camp Coffee is across from Mellow Mushroom and Speckled Trout and is a tiny little local coffee shop that also has some yummy smoothies as well.  They offer alternative milk options, like oat, almond and soy, which made me happy!  I love a good oat milk latte!

On this particular trip we decided to do more than just ski.  We had hoped to snow tube but sadly that did not happen.  Apparently the snow tubing shuts down end of February except at Sugar Mountain which was open for tubing but it didn't look much fun.  You can check out the websites and decide for yourself.  If we are there again from November-February then I would love to check our Hawksnest for tubing or Beech mountain.  But, on this trip we had already driven over to Banner Elk with plans to tube at Sugar while we were there, we found an Alpine Coaster and decided on that instead.  Wilderness Run Alpine Coaster did not disappoint.  I would recommend doing the 3 trip package because 1 ride is not enough for the amount of time you spend standing in line.  If you have 3 rides on your ticket they do not make you get off and get back in line!  So I would say that's the way to go! 

 Also while in Banner Elk, you are not far from The original Mast General Store in Valle Crucis.  It was such a step back in time and even still had an operating post office inside that reminded me of the old mailboxes we had in the basement of the University Center at TN Tech back in 1995!  Worth the stop for an old school soda in a glass bottle and to fill a bag of candy!

Hiking is absolutely a must as well while you are in the area.  A short 15 min drive from
Chetola was the Julian Price Memorial Park Trail System. My oldest daughter and I decided not to ski a second day and went to check out some trails.  We did the Boone Fork Trail which is a 5 mile loop.  Now do NOT be deceived by the fact that it is a loop!  The terrain is ever changing and NOT easy.  We did not stop the entire hike and it took us about 3.5 hours to complete the full 5 miles. It was absolutely gorgeous and I loved every minute of it!  I only wish I had on better shoes for hiking (preferably water proof) and a hiking stick.  Also I recommend taking a                 few trail snacks and more than one bottle of water!