Thursday, July 11, 2013

Our newest addition

                        Meet Sallie Ann, our 3 week old puppy that is a Shepherd/Lab mix.
                        She loves sitting by the chicken tractor and watching the chickens!

As if we don't have enough animals already!  The neighbors across the street, their Lab had puppies.  My girls caught wind of their cries and wandered over there to find 5 adorable puppies.  So naturally when they finally talked my husband & me into walking over one evening after dinner, we came home with one.  Incase you don't already know, we have 2 full grown labs, a cat, 2 guinea pigs, 6 chickens, and now...a puppy.  At first they had her in the house and we crate her at night and while we are gone.  But yesterday I decided that I could NOT take the hair anymore!  So I vacuumed the whole house and banished her to be an outside dog.  She has taken up friends with the chickens!  We still crate her while we are gone and at night because she is so young.  Last night was a LONG night.  She was up at 2:30 crying so loud I could hear her from in my room which is NO where near the garage.  Not to mention she was awake again at 5:30 crying even LOUDER!  Just a little window into our lives that seem like we live on a farm, but in reality we live in a neighborhood!  #lovemykids #theycantalkusintoanything

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