Sunday, December 7, 2014

Feeling a little under the weather?

My husband tends to get a sinus infection at least 3-4 times a year.  He is not patient enough to let the natural home remedies work, so he usually runs to the clinic and gets a shot.  Well, it's that time of year for him to get sick again, and he is actually worse than the kids about covering his mouth when he coughs or sneezes.  The kids have been saying, "Dad, Cover!"  I am the one who usually never gets sick, but when I do, it seems to linger for quite some time!  So as I am shipping my sick hubby off to Iowa for a week long hunting trip, guess what he left behind for me?  Yep, that's right, his sinus cold!  I guess when you kiss someone daily and your toothbrush is in the same drawer and they do not cover their cough, and you sleep in the same bed face to face with them, eventually you will get sick too. 
Friday night was rainy here and we had our annual downtown Christmas event that supports our small town businesses.  So naturally I threw on my rain jacket and boots and the girls and I went out shopping!  Then Saturday morning I woke up with a sore throat!  I took 1 tsp SOLE Himalayan sea salt in 4 oz water and the soreness was immediately gone!  Thank goodness for that!  Then I took 1 tsp of colloidal silver holding it under the tongue  for 30 seconds before swallowing. Throughout the day I sipped on chicken broth infused with fresh garlic and red pepper flakes.  Feeling much better I went to bed at a decent hour feeling confident I would be all better in the morning.  However, I woke Sunday with some serious sinus pressure that was so bad my upper jaws hurt up into my eye sockets and my forehead.  Talk about a MAJOR headache!  I immediately went to my herbal stash and pulled out the chamomile and brought a pot of water to a boil.  With a few drops of tea tree essential oil and a handful of chamomile flowers, I placed a lid on the boiling pot and removed it from the heat.  After 2-3 minutes, I removed the lid and placed a towel over my head and breathed in the steam through my nose.  Long slow inhale to fill the sinuses completely.  Chamomile is a natural sinus healer.  After doing that for about 5 minutes, I felt a little relief.  I repeated this steam again every 2 hours until the pressure was gone.  Taking more colloidal silver 3 times a day and drinking the broth as often as I felt like, I also drank a cup of Echinacea tea.  Trying to rest and save all my energy for healing.  Being sick is never fun, so hopefully I can nip this in the bud in the next day or two!  When doing natural healing, the key is catch it early and be diligent! 


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