Friday, November 22, 2013

Challenge results

Today is day 22 and my results from the challenge are in.  
Before.                      After
117.5 lbs.                  112.5 lbs 
25% BF.                      18.7% BF
Goal was 10 inches.       8 3/4 inches

Inches lost were measured at chest, stomach, waist, hips, quads, and calves. I ate very strict but was never hungry. I worked out minimally and mainly did yoga. All of my meals are photograph posted on Instagram if you're curious. I am willing to help anyone who also wants to give their weight loss a jump start. I am currently helping 3 followers and would love to help more. This is not a diet, it is a lifestyle change for better health and better you! 
Many thanks to all who follow and read along! Blessings to you and yours this thankful season! 

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Winter Soup & the challenge is coming to and end!

I promised those following my IG account this recipe last week.  So sorry I am a week late getting it up.  Better late than never I guess, so here it is...
1 pkg of butternut squash or 1 squash peeled and diced
1/2 a bag of prechopped kale, or 1/2 a bunch, torn into bite sized pieces
1 can of kidney beans, rinsed and drained (could also use great northern or chick peas)
qt of broth, homemade or organic free range chicken stock
1 onion, diced
4 garlic cloves minced
1/2 package of sliced mushrooms, chopped
1 Tbsp thyme
1/2 Tbsp salt
1/2 Tbsp Spanish paprika
Fresh cracked pepper to taste

In a stock pot, melt some ghee or grass fed butter, or coconut oil and sautee onion and garlic until translucent.  Add spices and stir to combine.  Add broth and remaining ingredients.  Bring to a boil, and reduce heat to med cooking until the squash is fork tender. 
I served this with pork tenderloin sliced and baked.  You could cube up some pork and cook with the soup if you wish. 
This is the soup and also pictured is "Paleo Dinner Rolls" from  They are divine and so simple to make!

Today is day 19 of my 21 day jump start challenge.  I haven't lost any more weight on the scales, a few inches were regained, and I haven't check Body Fat % yet.  I plan to do that on day 22.  My ultimate goal from this was for BF loss.  Since I pretty much eat this way 80-90% of the time anyways, I did not expect weight loss.  Since I haven't been able to hit the workouts super hard, I may be disappointed with my end results.  However I do have to say that I do feel through all of this, I have finally stabilized by blood sugar which always ran low.  I have learned how to fuel my body with the right amount of calories, I always ate too few.  I feel like overall, I have much better health than I did this time last year.  I feel like the Adrenal Fatigue is a thing of the past!  I feel like ME again and that feels GREAT!  I want to give a shout out to Kim, Julie, and Janna.  They have reached out to me for help in getting their lives back on track.  I am here for ya for moral support and also for any other support you may need along this journey!  This blog was started to hopefully bring better health to those who are interested through my transparent journey in obtaining my own health.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Week one of the challenge results...

For those of you following, you will know that I have been on a food challenge to hopefully help my fatigued adrenals and body switch from fat storing to fat burning.  The challenge is for 21 days and is basically no grains, no sugars, limited fruit, and mainly protein, carbs from veggies, and healthy fats.  Beverages are only water, unsweetened almond or coconut milk, and herbal teas.  Sweeteners allowed are stevia, the real stuff,(not Truvia or Stevia in the Raw), and xylitol.  Fruit allowed is green apples and berries.  Try and pair the fruit with a healthy fat, like an apple and almond butter or berries and coconut milk.  You can take canned coconut milk, put it in the fridge for 24 hours, scrape off the top solid layer and mix with vanilla and cinnamon and have a fabulous dip for berries.  (or apples too!)
I have been posting all of my food pics and recipes or where I got the recipe on my Instagram account.  If you don't already, follow me on Instagram.  @alicia_trotter  If you don't have Instagram and are interested in what I have been eating, PM me and I can email you the screen shots of my posts.
So...beginning of week one I weighed, measured and had body fat % determined.  Then I began  a workout routine.  M-W-F I do heavy lifting and High Intensity Interval Training which only takes me about 30 min.  I subscribe to which gives me my workout routines.  It's only $20 a month, so try it out!  On Tuesday and Thursday I do Yoga.  Then Saturday and Sunday I play with the family, what I call Active Rest days. After week one, my results were...lost 3.5 lbs, and 5.5 inches overall. Slow going so it seems, but I am already at my ideal weight so all I am really trying to do is lower BF%.  My goal is to lower it 5-7% of what it currently is.  I did not check this at the end of week one, I will check it at then end of the 21 days.  There are several people I know who are doing the challenge as well, and they are seeing amazing results with weight loss and inches lost!  This is a great thing to get you on the right path to weight loss kickstart if that is what you are after.  If you want more details, PM me!
TaTa for now!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Crockpot Paleo Beef Stew

I kind of adapted my recipe from one on Civilized caveman.  Also my family had "grainfree" cornbread with this meal.  Recipe found at  It was definitely a crowd pleaser and  even "Tiny Trotter" wanted it again for breakfast.  LOL

Crockpot Paleo Beef Stew
1 lb -1.5 lbs of stew meat
28 oz stew tomatoes (no sugar added)
1 pint of water
2 cups frozen french style green beans
1 cup sliced carrots (raw)
1 onion sliced
1 8 oz can tomato paste
salt and pepper to taste
1 Tbsp dried oregano
1 package of sliced mushrooms (not canned)
I layered the onions on the bottom of the crockpot first, then the stew meat (mine was frozen), tomatoes, green beans, water, paste, fresh veggies, lid
Cook on low 8 hours
The meat was very tender and the flavor was amazing!
Also I am on day 5 of my personal 21 day jump start challenge.  This is to help my body switch over from fat storing to fat burning.  I am posting pics of my food on Instagram if you would like to follow.  @alicia_trotter
I am also a member of EPlifefit which I use for my workouts.  I do their workouts M-W-F and do HOT yoga T-Th and Vinyasa Flow Level 2/3 yoga Sat.  Saturday and Sunday are also ACTIVE rest days.  This means I get out and play with my family.  Ride bikes, go hiking, play tennis or softball, swing on the swings at the playground or hang upside down on the monkey bars.  If you have no time or money for working out at the gym or attending a yoga class, get out and walk, at least 10 minutes a day.  Also there are plenty of FREE yoga videos on YouTube.  No excuses!  Get active!  Eat to live don't live to eat!  Feed you body what Fuels it not what makes it want to curl up and take a nap!  IF you do you will notice a HUGE boost in energy and even may like what you start to see in the mirror!  What are you waiting for?  Join me today! 

Friday, November 1, 2013

21 day jump start challenge

If you follow me on Instagram you will be seeing a LOT of food pictures coming up.  I am starting a 21 day challenge to help switch my body over from fat storing to fat burning mode.  At least that's the hope!  I am a member of EPlifefit and the jumpstart is what they suggest to get your body into fat burning mode so that your workouts are optimized.  I'd love it if any of you want to join me in this challenge. I will post recipes if it is an original creation and if not, then I'll post where I found the recipe.  Most of you with kids will want to know what will my kids eat during this time?  They will eat the dinners that I prepare for myself, but their breakfast, lunch and snacks will be the normal stuff for them.  They do Paleo about 80/20, so they still eat things like rice, corn and Paleo treat foods.  My Sunday Food prep post shows the typical breakfast foods they like.  They just snack the rest of the day usually till dinner.  Rolled up pieces of lunch meat, goats cheese and nut crackers, apples and natural peanut butter, chips and homemade salsa, raw veggies and hummus.
So today is day1 of my challenge.  I did a intense 30 minute heated yoga session yesterday to detox my body.  Started today out with a mug of hot lemon water.  Then around 8:30 I had 2 poached eggs, 2 pieces of nitrate/nitrite free uncured bacon, and sauteed spinach.  I also had a cup of pumpkin chai tea with no sweetener and 1 Tbsp of plain unsweetened almond milk.
That held me over for 5 hours.  When I decided to eat lunch, I actually was not really all that hungry.  I ate anyways because I am trying not to let myself get to a starving point for better blood sugar control.  Lunch was left over ribeye steak that had been grilled, about 5 oz and french style green beans that were sauteed in bacon fat.  Very filling and satisfying!
My plans for the rest of the day are to have a cup of Harvest Blend herbal tea (from Trader Joes) and for dinner have "spaghetti" in creamy tomato sauce from
I will have it with the zucchini noodles but my kids will have GF rice noodles.  Although they would probably eat the zucchini.
I will be posting pics on Instagram if you want to follow me.  It's never too late to join me in this challenge either, so come on.  Even if you're a few days behind me, start it today!  Email me if you need a food list of approved foods and such.  It's a great way to get the whole family transformed into eating healthier and on your way to a better you!  

Stuffed Acorn Squash

The finished product  

If you have never ventured outside your comfort zone on trying new and different foods, this recipe might get you out side the box.  It is super easy and delicious.  Go ahead...give it a try.  I think you'll be glad you did.
Roasting the squash:
2 Acorn squash, cut in half, placed flesh side down in a glass casserole dish with about 1/4 of the pan full of water.
place in a preheated 350 degree oven and cook for approximately 40 min or until a fork easily pierces the outside sin.
Preparing the filling:
1 pound ground pork sausage
2 boneless/skinless chicken thighs (precooked, I boiled mine)
2 carrots chopped
1/2 onion diced
1/2 green bell pepper chopped
cook the sausage, remove with a slotted spoon saving the hot fat in the pan to cook the veggies in.  Once the veggies are cooked, add back the sausage and season.
1 Tbsp garlic powder
1 Tbsp Cumin
1 Tbsp Smoked Paprika
1/2 Tbsp chipolte powder (or black pepper if don't like it too hot)
1/2 Tbsp cinnamon
Pull the chicken apart into pieces and add to the filling mixture
I also had some leftover rice that I stirred into  my filling as well.  (yes I know it's not Paleo)
Once the squash is done, scoop out the seeds and discard, then carefully scoop out the cooked squash leaving a small amount for the "bowl" in the shell.
mash up the squash really good and stir it into the filling mixture as well.
Stuff the acorn shells with the filling and put back in the 350 degree oven for 20 minutes.

If you have leftover filling, you can have a really filling breakfast the next morning.  Just add a couple poached eggs.

I also threw in a sprinkle of parm. cheese as well.  (again, not Paleo)

Quick Healthy Dinner

                                        CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP
*Sorry no pic, it was a quick throw together meal that was eaten so fast, there was no time for a snapshot.

2 cartons of organic Free Range chicken broth (or homemade if you have some)
1 cup uncooked GF Rice noodles of your choice
1-2 cans of chicken (I used one of the bigger cans)
1 bag of frozen mixed veggies (mine had green beans, carrots and corn in it)
2 bay leaves
1 Tbsp oregano
a few rounds of freshly cracked black pepper
Bring all of this to a boil and simmer till noodles are done.

This was our dinner Halloween night.  The girls had gymnastics and are always starving when we get home, so I need this done fast!
We also had some "Candy Bar Cupcakes" to make up for no candy.  The recipe for those can be found at  To me they tasted just like snickers.  I used the GF all-purpose flour and xylitol, and unsweetened vanilla almond milk.
I posted the link on Facebook that I used from Pinterest.  Be sure to follow me on pinterest and also I post pics of foods I make and eat on Instagram too.
Hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween.  In TN we had storms and most all Halloween events were cancelled.  The leaves around here are so beautiful I was really hoping the 300 mile an hour winds (yes I am exaggerating) wouldn't blow all the color off.  I was able to find one beautiful tree this morning when I went to pick up my bushel of apples.
We went to Cheekwood on Tuesday and the girls got to dress up and have some Goblin fun.  They were witches this year and thankfully all I had to buy were tights for their costumes because these dresses were in our dress up closet!  YAY!