Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Week one of the challenge results...

For those of you following, you will know that I have been on a food challenge to hopefully help my fatigued adrenals and body switch from fat storing to fat burning.  The challenge is for 21 days and is basically no grains, no sugars, limited fruit, and mainly protein, carbs from veggies, and healthy fats.  Beverages are only water, unsweetened almond or coconut milk, and herbal teas.  Sweeteners allowed are stevia, the real stuff,(not Truvia or Stevia in the Raw), and xylitol.  Fruit allowed is green apples and berries.  Try and pair the fruit with a healthy fat, like an apple and almond butter or berries and coconut milk.  You can take canned coconut milk, put it in the fridge for 24 hours, scrape off the top solid layer and mix with vanilla and cinnamon and have a fabulous dip for berries.  (or apples too!)
I have been posting all of my food pics and recipes or where I got the recipe on my Instagram account.  If you don't already, follow me on Instagram.  @alicia_trotter  If you don't have Instagram and are interested in what I have been eating, PM me and I can email you the screen shots of my posts.
So...beginning of week one I weighed, measured and had body fat % determined.  Then I began  a workout routine.  M-W-F I do heavy lifting and High Intensity Interval Training which only takes me about 30 min.  I subscribe to eplifefit.com which gives me my workout routines.  It's only $20 a month, so try it out!  On Tuesday and Thursday I do Yoga.  Then Saturday and Sunday I play with the family, what I call Active Rest days. After week one, my results were...lost 3.5 lbs, and 5.5 inches overall. Slow going so it seems, but I am already at my ideal weight so all I am really trying to do is lower BF%.  My goal is to lower it 5-7% of what it currently is.  I did not check this at the end of week one, I will check it at then end of the 21 days.  There are several people I know who are doing the challenge as well, and they are seeing amazing results with weight loss and inches lost!  This is a great thing to get you on the right path to weight loss kickstart if that is what you are after.  If you want more details, PM me!  aliciajtrotter@gmail.com
TaTa for now!

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