Friday, November 1, 2013

21 day jump start challenge

If you follow me on Instagram you will be seeing a LOT of food pictures coming up.  I am starting a 21 day challenge to help switch my body over from fat storing to fat burning mode.  At least that's the hope!  I am a member of EPlifefit and the jumpstart is what they suggest to get your body into fat burning mode so that your workouts are optimized.  I'd love it if any of you want to join me in this challenge. I will post recipes if it is an original creation and if not, then I'll post where I found the recipe.  Most of you with kids will want to know what will my kids eat during this time?  They will eat the dinners that I prepare for myself, but their breakfast, lunch and snacks will be the normal stuff for them.  They do Paleo about 80/20, so they still eat things like rice, corn and Paleo treat foods.  My Sunday Food prep post shows the typical breakfast foods they like.  They just snack the rest of the day usually till dinner.  Rolled up pieces of lunch meat, goats cheese and nut crackers, apples and natural peanut butter, chips and homemade salsa, raw veggies and hummus.
So today is day1 of my challenge.  I did a intense 30 minute heated yoga session yesterday to detox my body.  Started today out with a mug of hot lemon water.  Then around 8:30 I had 2 poached eggs, 2 pieces of nitrate/nitrite free uncured bacon, and sauteed spinach.  I also had a cup of pumpkin chai tea with no sweetener and 1 Tbsp of plain unsweetened almond milk.
That held me over for 5 hours.  When I decided to eat lunch, I actually was not really all that hungry.  I ate anyways because I am trying not to let myself get to a starving point for better blood sugar control.  Lunch was left over ribeye steak that had been grilled, about 5 oz and french style green beans that were sauteed in bacon fat.  Very filling and satisfying!
My plans for the rest of the day are to have a cup of Harvest Blend herbal tea (from Trader Joes) and for dinner have "spaghetti" in creamy tomato sauce from
I will have it with the zucchini noodles but my kids will have GF rice noodles.  Although they would probably eat the zucchini.
I will be posting pics on Instagram if you want to follow me.  It's never too late to join me in this challenge either, so come on.  Even if you're a few days behind me, start it today!  Email me if you need a food list of approved foods and such.  It's a great way to get the whole family transformed into eating healthier and on your way to a better you!  

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