I know I mentioned last night that I was going to check my blood sugar and see if maybe this MODY thing was also a problem for me. I have had a 4 hour glucose tolerance test back in the fall and it showed that I was severely hypoglycemic, however that diagnosis can play into either MODY or Adrenal Fatigue. So I checked my glucose around 7pm, it was 84. Then I ate a huge carb loaded meal. Brown rice pasta with marinara sauce and chicken, in the amount of about 2 cups of cooked pasta alone not to mention the other stuff. Then I topped it off with 3 squares of dark chocolate. I waited 2 hours from the beginning of my meal time and retested. My glucose was 104, and I was so happy because that is within normal limits.
So I feel that maybe this puts me back at looking more into Adrenal Fatigue. I received an email this evening from the Holistic Health Care Specialist I had contacted. She is sending me a test kit in the mail with directions on how to test. It is a saliva spit test and will give a more accurate picture of what exactly the adrenals are or aren't doing. This is STEP 1, along with me sending her copies of all of my most recent labs and tests.
So, I went to Yoga this morning, had a relaxing early lunch with 2 friends, went to the chiropractor and got adjusted, plus made sure to eat small meals every 3-4 hours all day. Today was a good day, meaning I did not have one dizzy, faint feeling all day! Yippie, thats a first in a LONG time!
I did also go to Trader Joe's today for groceries and Sam's, so the fact that I was in public places with fluorescent lights and didn't have a "spell", is really wonderful! I love Trader Joe's because they have such a great business moto, or mission that the company stands behind. If you have never shopped there, I encourage you to visit their website and read about them. Then check it out for yourself! I shop there about every 2 weeks and have never found a product I didn't like. I'll write another post on what I buy there for anyone who might be interested. Surprisingly enough, they are significantly cheaper on so many things than other chain grocery stores. And those stores don't have such the wonderful mission behind them! (no, I'm not getting paid or even a discount to endorse them, I just really like the place that much!)
I cant wait for the post about where you purchase your products!