Sunday, March 17, 2013

Today is test day!

Friday we went out to our River House and stayed until this morning, so I am just now getting to do the spit test.  We have no internet signal out there so I cannot post what is going on, and that is why I waited until today to test.  I wanted to let those of you interested, the chance to read along and see what exactly it is I am doing for the spit test.  I posted a picture of the kit the day it came in the mail.  So today when I woke up I had from 6-8am to fill this one vial with spit before I could eat or drink anything.  It took me about 30 minutes to actually collect enough spit in the vial.  My mouth was pretty dry, most likely because I was fasting since 8:30pm the night before.  I finished filling the first vial by 7:45, so I did at least make my time frame.  The next time I have to donate a sample is between 11am-1pm.  The rules say that I cannot eat or drink anything except water up to 1 hour before giving my sample.  The noon sample is also supposed to be one that I eat 50g of carbs 90 minutes before I spit.  That should be interesting since I don't eat starchy bread or pasta type foods.  I'm thinking some gluten free oatmeal and an orange might do the trick!
So until then...
I will post more on this later in the day.  Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone!  Don't forget to wear your green! 

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