Saturday, March 2, 2013

What do I do when my child gets sick?

Well, I'll start off by saying that yes I am a nurse, but I have started to move away form western medicine.  Yes there are times when it is necessary, but for my first defense, I don't choose to use that type of healing.
So what's in my medicine cabinet you might ask?
Oil of oregano
Lavender essential oil
Homemade chicken bone broth
Elderberry syrup
Grapefruit seed extract
Greens first
Garden of life raw probiotics
Coconut oil
Chamomile tincture
100% Concord grapes only no sugar added grape juice
Peppermint essential oil
Epsom salt
Raw apple cider vinegar
Fermented cod liver oil
Echinacea tincture
Hydrogen peroxide
Garden of Eden salve
Raw unfiltered local honey
Eucalyptus oil
Slippery elm throat drops
Sea salt crystals
So now that I have listed all of these things you are probably wondering what some are and what they are used for as well as where to get them.  Well the tinctures I make myself. I order the dried herbs from and their website also gives instructions on how to make a tincture as well as a description for what each herb does.
Immune booster: take at first sign of cold or flu
Oil of oregano (I get mine from my chiropractor, Kestner FamilyChiropractor)
Grapefruit extract (chiropractors office)
Emergen-c (most drug stores, give 1/2 pkt to kids)
Raw apple cider vinegar (I buy Braggs, found at most major chain groceries in health section)
Elderberry syrup (I make my own, however Sambucus is a good sugar free brand)
Antiviral, antibiotic, anti microbial: take once sick
Homemade bone broth (I will post recipe in another post)
Coconut oil (can add to a smoothie or hot tea)
Ginger (detoxes the body, be sure to drink lots of water)
Garlic (for kids I slice off a sliver and put on their feet in their socks at night, a detox)
Echinacea tincture (don't take for longer than 10 days)
Raw unfiltered honey (especially good for sore throats and taken daily for seasonal allergies)
Sea salt crystals (chiropractor) these are good to balance the body's pH. Gets rid of a sore throat instantly and if you feel nauseated, kicks that out as well.
Daily vitamins:
Probiotics (I order on amazon)
Fermented cod liver oil (amazon)
Greens first (chiropractor) use as a replacement to juice
Essential oils:
Eucalyptus, on chest and bottoms of feet for cough or sinus cold
Peppermint, use on forehead for headache or sprinkle in bath when upset stomach
Lavender, good for cuts and scrapes, also to calm and relax, sprinkle on pillow or in bath water
Chamomile tincture I use for a fever reducer, and also to calm and help sleep
Stomach bug:
This is where the grape juice comes in. If you have been exposed but not vomiting yet, drink it 3 glasses within first 24 hours. Prevents the bug.
Once sick, Epsom salt baths, detox the virus, and ginger tea given after vomit occurs by the dropper full warm will stop the vomiting from occurring. Child may still feel bad for 24 hours, but should stop the worst symptom.
Sorry for the complete overwhelming overload. Just wanted to share my tips and what's worked for us. Don't go out and buy all this, just pick a few and try things to see what works for your family.
Oh and one more tip: for fevers, this is a good response that the body is fighting something. In children under 3 months however, seek immediate attention for any fever! From 3-36 months, try to wait and treat a fever unless it is above 102. Anytime however a fever is over 104.5, please intervene with medication or seek medical attention from your doctor or a
As always please use your best judgement as a parent and consult your doctor if you are

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