Thursday, April 11, 2013

A recap from my phone consultation today

As those of you who have been following know, today at 12:30 was my phone consultation with my Nutritional Therapist.  It lasted an hour and a half and was enlightening.  Although we still don't know enough info to get to the root of the problem, here is a recap of what I did find out today...
My main issue is digestion.  Even though I eat the rights kinds of foods and take good care of my self, there is still some indication in the blood work that I had drawn in September 2012 that my G.I. track has some issues.  My 4 hour GTT (glucose tolerance test) went something like this, fasting:94, 1 hour:158, 2 hour:76, 3 hour: 111, 4 hour: 105.  This indicated something is not quite right considering the way I eat, protein, fiber, fat, LOW starches.  So this could mean that I have some hidden food sensitivities. 
Other labs indicated that the gallbladder isn't functioning correctly.  Although I had an ultrasound of this to check for disease and stones, the blood work shows the opposite.  Could be fine sand like sludge causing problems that wouldn't show on U.S. 
My potassium was low, hyper adrenal function; my carbon dioxide was low, B1 & thiamine; magnesium and calcium were low,  malabsorption and my amylase was low, I need enzymes.  All of these indicate LOTS of digestion markers.  She even mentioned I could possibly have a parasite. 
So the results from the spit test looked something like this:
My cortisol level in the morning was 29.  This was taken between 6-8 am and normal is 18-19, so I was definitely off the chart.  This could indicate an immune response or be a result of low blood sugar.  The second sample was normal, taken between 11-1pm.  The sample taken between 4-5 pm was 3 and normal is 5-6, so although a little low, this would be why I am so tired around 3 pm daily.  Then the 11-12 midnight sample was again normal.  My total score was 41 and norrmal is between 32-33.  So I have hyper adrenal function.  She also had the lab check my DHEA which is the anti-aging hormone, muscle building hormone, and other things, but mine was a 7 and that is GREAT!  So yay me on that one!
Since the gut is my biggest issue, we are now going to go forward with digestive testing.  My test kit is in the mail and I will have to test for 3 days and then mail it in and wait again for results.  The culprit of all this mess could be physical stress, sleep issues, mental/emotional/spiritual, infection, or food sensitivities.  Once we have the results from this next test, we will be able to determine if I will need to have the food sensitivities test done as well.
So for now... more waiting and testing.  You know how much I love that!  It could be much worse!  She said that many of her patients end up with G.I. issues and never had the first symptom.  I think about my good friend who has stage 4 colon cancer and she never really had but one symptom before she was diagnosed.  It took a horse kicking her in the head for her to be air lifted to a trauma center and once scanned full body, that's when it was discovered.  So the point here is, we don't always have symptoms, but staying on top of our health is so important!  Know your body, pay attention and listen!  Then follow through and do something!
All diseases begin in the GUT.

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