Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Fat burning is hard to do when your adrenals are fatigued!

I have always been on the smaller side of average for my height.  Never really had trouble with weight gain, until these stinking little adrenal glands became so fatigued.  For the past year I have been eating a Paleo diet for about 85-90% of the time and working out moderately as well as practicing yoga.  Nothing too extreme on the exercise end for sure.  I'm not one to just sit around, so I am pretty active even if I'm not in the gym working out. 
All that aside, when I have been reading and studying about adrenal fatigue, I have found that the HIIT (high intensity interval training) workout types are the best.  What does this mean exactly?  Well for those of you out there who hate cardio like I do, this means that you can get in a good burn and sculpt all in about 12-15 min.  One that will turn on your body's fat burning ability and it will even keep burning through out the day!  Now that's the kind of workout I am interested in!  The question for me was, where do I find such a plan?  I am not an exercise science person who knows all about muscles and whats best for the body in terms of exercise, so I need a preplanned program to follow.  Here is a link to the one I have found that I will be following.  http://www.bodyrock.tv/category/daily-workouts/all-workouts/ 
I have decided to follow the May conditioning & fat loss 30 day program from 2012.  The reason I chose to follow this one was because it also incorporated "flow" which is their version of yoga.  I am not doing their version of yoga, I will go to my yoga studio and continue to practice there, but for those of of you who don't know a thing about  yoga but want to try, this is perfect!  Please note that this website does have a girl who is coaching you through the workouts, and she is dressed really skimpy.  This is not appropriate for young viewers in my opinion.  I basically only recommend this site mainly for the exercise program and the way that she demonstrates and gives modifications.  Not sure why the titles of the workouts and her attire are so sexual and not modest at all, but if you can overlook that... this is a great tool!
Post comments if you like the workouts, or if you know of  another tool or program out there that is free and gives the same great information!  Only 2 more days till I have my phone consultation and get my plan!  Can't wait!

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