Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Time for more labs!

Today I received another test kit in the mail.  This one is for GI testing.  (Gastrointestinal)  This will be to screen the GI tract and its function.  Since I have frequent bloating, gas and cramping, along with the occasional constipation, travel outside the US once a year, prepare food at home, and have pets...this puts me at possible risk of contracting a parasite.  The risk of being infected or infested by a pathogenic organism through food and water is on the rise.  The reason being because of immigration and importation of fruits and vegetables.  Anyone, regardless of economic status can become infected.  The WHO (World Health Organization) currently states that about half a billion individuals are infected annually by different forms of parasites.  This really freaks me out and seems disgusting!  However, if this is whats wrong with my GUT, I definitely  want to know!  The CDC (center for disease control) also states that you don't have to travel to another country to get a parasite.  They are all around us, both in big cities and small towns.
The test kit will also test for bacteria, fungi, and yeast as well.  Digestion-related screens for enzyme levels and immunochemical markers for intolerance to offending foods.  And also, intestinal function markers to evaluate irritation and inflammation.  The overall status of gut immunity and integrity. 
So...let the fun begin.  3-4 days before I begin the test, I have to avoid vitamins and all kinds of other things.  Then I test one day, skip and day, test again on day 3 and ship the samples off.  In case you are wondering, the tests will be of both stool and saliva. 
My previous blood work from back in the fall indicated that I may be suffering from malabsorption of some kind since my calcium, magnesium, amylase and a few other levels were low.  This seemed odd because I eat lots of fresh fruits and veggies and shouldn't be low in these labs.  I am really hoping to get some answers from this test!  And at the same time praying it's NOT a parasite.  YUCK!  I mean if that was the case, shouldn't I be SUPER SKINNY?  haha, you know how we have all heard that.  If these tests do not reveal anything in the way of answers, then we will do the food sensitivities blood test!  I'll keep you posted.

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