Thursday, April 4, 2013

The results are in...

I received an email yesterday from my holistic health care professional.  She said that my spit test results are back and as soon as she received a copy of my most recent labs and my paperwork she needed me to fill out that she could determine a plan for me.  I faxed everything over yesterday and I am scheduled to call her next Thursday at 12:30 to discuss my health.  Although I am very excited to have the results, as I posted before, I am NOT good at waiting! 
I do have to say that the blood sugar drops, staying bottomed out, have improved greatly!  I attribute this mainly to the fact that I have cut out the coffee in my morning routine. I actually don't even drink coffee at all anymore except one small cup on Sunday's during my Sunday school class.  I am so thankful that I am not having so many spells of feeling like I am going to pass out!  I actually feel pretty normal most days!  One thing I am trying to do better about is sleeping.  I find that by 9pm I am exhausted and ready for bed.  It is easy for me to fall asleep, just not easy for me to stay asleep.  I think this is why I still have the total fatigue that hits me daily around 3pm. 
I read the other day that when you have adrenal fatigue that weight training and short interval bursts of cardio are way to go when working out.  So I am trying to come up with the right exercise program for me.  I love yoga and will definitely keep that as part of the plan.  I just need to add in some HIIT.  (High Intensity Interval Training)  Now to find that program and incorporate it into  my weekly schedule.  Any one reading this post have any suggestions on that one for me?  I'm open to suggestions!

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